Soldiers going out to fight.
Vietnam is a tropical with a lot of vegetation; trees, bushes etc. That also means drastic climate changes. One day could be 100+ degrees and the next could be 75 degrees with nonstop rain. When it rained there, it could potentially rain for days at a time, pouring inches upon inches of water on the soldiers making it very difficult to travel and even sleep.

In a normal day, a soldier could expect wake up early, eat some canned food, dig a couple fox holes, improve the strength of base camp, maybe get some break time for a bit and then go on a patrol through the jungle in search for the NVA. Then after that, they will return to base camp, sleep for a couple hours and do it all again.

Many soldiers not only felt the physical effects but also the mental effects. Some soldiers would start going crazy because they were stuck in the middle of the jungle not knowing if they were going to die, they would frequently see their friends die, and there just wasn't a whole lot to do. A lot of soldiers had to rely on drugs and alcohol to keep busy and stay calm and happy.