Effects of the war.

A huge problem for soldiers in the war was feeling lonely and helpless out in the middle of the jungle so they had to find ways to keep them selves occupied. Many soldiers took up smoking cigarettes. A few decided to dabble with drugs and some became major addicts.
Another major problem was PTSD (Post Tramatic Stress Dissorder). Soldiers would finish their tour and come home and be very depressed because they saw a lot of things the will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Some saw good friends die, little children murdered.

America During the War.

During the war in Vietnam, many Americans dissagreed with the decisions the government was making. The majority of people back home thought we should not be in the war. At first, only a small amount of people dissagreed with the war but after a couple months of straight protesting and speeches, they gained many more followers who agreed that U.S. soldiers should not be in the war.

They would hold protests to try to prove to the governement that it was wrong that we were over in Vietnam. One of the main reasons the people were upset is because we were using harmful chemicals on the Vietnamese such as agent orange and napalm. Many young men were apart of the protests because they were the ones who had to go to war. One man, David Miller, publicly burned his draft card to prove a point that he wasn't going to Vietnam. He was senteced to 2 1/2 years in prison. That inspired many others to act out in drastic ways because they knew that if they were in jail, then they didn't have to go to war.

Some extremists even bashed the soldiers when they got back because they were so committed to stop the war so to get their thoughts out, they had to do radical things.