Key Terms

Vietminh- a national independence movement founded in South China.

Viet Cong- communist guerillas in the South from the NVA , or South Vietnamise that followed the NVA ways, that gained control of more teriitory and earned the loyalty of many South Vietnamise citizens and soldiers making it hard for the U.S. to know who was the enemy.

National Liberation Front- the NLF was the politcal side of the Viet Cong who told the Viet Cong what to do but stayed up north. They didnt actually do any physical fighting.

Geneva Accords- was an international conference in which Vietnam was divide into two seperate nations, North and South.

Agent Orange- A chemical U.S. pilots used to clear foilage for the ground troops.

Naplam- A highly flammable chemical that the U.S. pilots dropped on the NVA in firebombing attacks

Ho Chi Minh Trail- A maze of truck routes, paths for walking and bicycles, and river transportation systems that ran from North Vietnam to the South to provide men and materials to the Viet Cong.

Hawks- People in the war that wanted it to go on.

Doves- People in the war that wanted it to stop.

Tet Offensive- A series of suprise attacks on the U.S. bases, major cities, and rural villages.

Teach in- Discussions that took place during the war that debated the two sides of the war and could last for very long periods of time encouraging audience participation. Usually led by political leaders.

Deferment- During the war, many people that were eligible for the war tried to come up with reasons on why they didn't have to go to war.

Conscientious objector- An individual who has claimed the right to refuse to preform military serivices.